Meatless Monday Motivations

The Meatless Monday trend has grown in leaps and bounds over the last few years and has led many people to adopting a fully vegan diet. Surviving on a diet devoid of animal products – including meat, eggs and cheese – does not seem appealing, but the reality of it is delicious, healthy, hearty food that bursts with flavour and harms no animals in the process. Meatless Mondays are the perfect excuse to dip your foot in the vegan pond and see if it works for you. We’ve found 3 great recipes packed with nutrients and flavour to help get you started:

With the holidays coming up, people tend to over eat, with most of the consumption being meats from braais and roasts!

Meat has been linked to various types of health issues, so if you’re a die-hard meat lover, perhaps give your tummy a break once a week with these delicious treats.

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